Following on from the announcement by Boris Johnston and the UK government on Monday 23rd March 2020, We have taken the very hard but sensible decision and listened to advice and took the appropriate steps to cease all non-essential works from 5pm today, Tuesday 24th March 2020. This will not affect our emergency call out service where we will still provide an essential emergency call out service.

During these unprecedented times and the rapid spreading of COVID-19 the safety and welfare of our staff, their families, customers and suppliers is our main concern.

Like many other organisations we will continually monitor the government guidelines throughout the ‘lockdown’ period so please do keep an eye on our social media and website for the latest updates. 

As a small business, all our staff are at home. Only our response line will be in operation to assist with essential emergency maintenance and call out services. 

You can contact us via or on our emergency mobile number 07943 919290

Please adhere and stay safe, staying at home.

Conner Elwell
CJE Developments

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